Monday 2 November 2009

fairy tale adaptation/brief story line of film

Fairy tale adaptation:

To gain inspiration for a film I have read and researched many different fairy tales from around the world. Many have taken my fancy and have had good themes to build upon. In the end I decided to base my film on the themes present in the true bride, also know as the true sweetheart, which is a German fairy tales collected by the brothers Grimm as a tale in 1986.

The true bride: plot

The story is about a girl living wit her stepmother who constantly commands her to fulfil impossible tasks for example emptying out a whole pond with a spoon in one night. However all is not bad as every time she is asks to do these kinds of things she meets an old magical woman who does them for her while the young girl sleeps and wakes up in the morning with her chore completed, with the old woman nowhere to be seen.
One day the young girl’s stepmother ordered her to build a castle on a rocky valley promising to inspect every inch of it when complete.
As usual the old woman had her sleep in the shade and removed all the rocks from the valley and built the castle on the smooth ground.
When the stepmother came to inspect it a door fell on her killing her, and leaving the castle to the young girl.
The girl lived in the castle alone. It was filled with riches, and stories of her beauty and wealth spread. Many wooers came to her trying to marry her At last; a king's son won her heart. He went to get his father's consent. She kissed him, told him not to let anyone else kiss him on that cheek, and sat under a lime tree to await him. On the fourth day without his return, she packed up three dresses, embroidered with suns, moons, and stars, and set out to seek him. She was unable to find him, whoever she asked, and finally took a job as a cowherd and buried her jewels and dresses under a rock. She made a pet of a little calf and sang to it of her being abandoned. After a few years she heard that a kings daughter was to marry and that that the groom was her prince. She sang to her calf as the prince rode by, and he looked at her, but he did not remember her. When three days' festivities were held to celebrate the marriage, she dressed herself in her gown with suns and went to the first ball. She so enchanted the prince that he forgot his new bride. The second night, she wore the gown with moons and enchanted him again; she had to promise to come the third night to get away. The third night, she wore the gown with stars, and when she kissed him, he remembered her. They went back to her castle and married there.


From the different themes I was able to collect from the fairytale I researched I have come up with my own adaptation of the fairytale.

Present themes:


My adaptation

My story is based on the life a girl called jade I have chosen this name because it is a rare
But yet also precious jewel. The theme of loneliness starts in her life as she lives in a broken family due to her father leaving. His departure was triggered by his unfaithfulness’ and violent behavior towards her mother.
Ever since his departure Maxine is not the same and begins to take drugs and abuse jade, by making her do everything and sometimes beating her with any valid reasons.
Jade has a friend which she can confide in, but however that’s all she can do.
Although living under these conditions at the age of 16 she realizes that her mother needs her regardless and sticks around to look after her, however sadly on jades 22nd birthday her mother dies of drug abuse. This becomes pain for her as well as a sense of relief. She now lives alone in her mother’s house.
As present in many love films she eventually meets a who moves in near her.
After about two years of knowing each other they plan to get married. (This is where the film begins, however her past will be shown through flashbacks.)
After getting married right after the ceremony the groom sadly gets run over causing him to become hospitalized.
Due to the accident the groom doesn’t remember anyone or anything (amnesia)
Not even his wife. The groom however was hospitalized for or so long that jade was forced to try and forget as she was made to believe that he was most likely to die.
Not remembering anything her groom starts over and is planning to go and marry someone else and start a family. When jade hears of his recovering she’s more than ecstatic and is on a quest to try win back her husband by making him remember her or making him fall in love with her again.