Tuesday 6 October 2009

evaluation 1

Preliminary Exercise - evaluation

Question 1:

For this task I worked with Mathew. Our original aim for the pre production was to meet up during the weekend so we could share our ideas, and come up with a storyline, script and decide on which of our cast member’s would be most suitable for each role. However we did not get the chance to actually do this, so we decided to split up and each come up with preproduction ideas, and then later compare notes. Due to the fact that we agreed on a story line we each already had a foundation to build on, so the single preproduction wasn’t very difficult. In the end we both had the same Ideas and concepts so we just took out the best bits of each of our work and put it together. During the actual production we split the tasks so Mathew was behind the camera shooting, and I was taking care of the continuity sheet and the clapper board this was to prevent lack of continuity within our scene and so we could be able to identify each scene when editing. As much as we tried to organised our time, we spent most of our shooting time staring in another groups short film, so we had to organise another time to meet up and complete our work in our own time. This was completed the next day during a free period. We also had to try and find another cast member, as our lead cast member wasn’t able to make it to the shooting. In the end we were able to deal with this and went to shoot with Rachel as our new lead cast member. I would have to say that this was the one and biggest issue we faced on the regards of time management. As a whole it was a very enjoyable experience which I am sure I have learned a lot from, I would say that our strength were mostly present during the preproduction process as we were very clear on what it is we were aiming to do however during the production time management was out biggest weakness, which is something I have learned to be able to be in control of for future tasks. The main difference which would be present next time, I have to be me and my partner or group managing our time appropriately, to prevent having to stay behind.

Question 2:
We started of our sequence with a basic story line. The story of some one walking into a door and sitting g sown on a chair (dialogue had to be present). We did this first because it seemed like the natural thing to do so we could build on that. We secondly came up with a story board so that everyone in my production team would be clear and understand the order of the sequence, this also helped us to plan the kind of shots would work best for each shot. There were many different camera angles and shots in our short film, which in my opinion worked well with whatever it was we were trying to portray within a shot this was aid to our story board. We then went on to writing our script we didn’t know which one to do first out of the story board and script but we figured the script should be second that way we could just fit the desired dialogue in the storyboard box of our choice. This worked well because it helped us to know what characters were going to say and when extremely quickly. Mathew then wrote up shooting schedule, this was done for our production team to be very clear on where we were going to be shooting, and the things we were going to need. This helped Mathew to remember the sweets we needed in some of our shots. We then ready to shoot but before we did that we had a lesson on how to set up the cameras and on sound. We learned how to use boom poles and there purposes. We did not use these because we did not find them necessary, as all our shots took place indoors.

For this task we used the schools cannon HX A1 cameras, Very sophisticated digital cameras. We used these both to shoot and pick up sound/dialogue in our scenes, as I mentioned before we did not use a boom pole. From using these cameras I have learned the way which digital picture has helped the film industry and will help us to edit our short films, as due to digital technology the filming and editing process have been made easier and require less time. I have learned that during my editing process I will be able to pick out what ever scene it is that I want and place it wherever. Whereas before the process was longer because I would have had to film a role of film and then start again due to the restrictions I would have had in the editing process.

Question 4:
When planning we had to keep in mind that we had restrictions and tried our hardest to make the story simple yet interesting, and not to over the top, during this planning process we also had to consider our cast for example, although they were playing roles for us they still had to feel comfortable which is why we chose for them not to have to wear a specific kind of clothing. We also tried our hardest to stick to our original planning, and not make too many changes. When planning we also had to keep in mind how our camera shots would complement the composition of our frames. (Trying to keep the rule of thirds in mind) during the actual shooting process, we had to make sure that the scene flowed and had constant continuity through out each shot, we done thirds bye noting down everyone in the shot’s positioning and current action and making sure they stayed that way until they were told not to. This was very hard at times but was successful due to our continuity sheet.

Question 5:----------

I think this task has taught me things which will not only help me in my exams but also, through what ever career paths I choose to take on. I have learned, that time waits for no one and needs to be managed carefully in order to get things done. I have also learned about the importance of communication. This was vital as it was the only way to get Ideas across and point out things which weren’t done correctly. As well as communication you also need to be able to compromise, because it may help your work to become the best it can be. In regards to organisation, it’s the overall key to everything going to plan. I have also learnt a lot, in a technical aspect, I have learned about sound and how to set up a camera and change its levels and functions to create certain effects.