Sunday 11 October 2009

filmming task evaluation.

• Mini filming evaluation:

In this lesson we were asked to get into groups with people we hadn’t worked with before and film as simple sequence of some one walking being watched without knowing so.
My group consisted of, Rachel, and Ezma.
Our filming took place inside a building and outside, our media classroom.
Overall I believe we worked well as a group and that our filming went quiet well. However we did come across a few problems. For example locations. For some reason everyone thought there were restrictions as to where we were able to film, so everyone in the class, kind of filmed in the same are. This was hard for everyone due to the noise from other groups, and sometimes people accidently walking in our frames. The location was not only problems because it was crowded by the class but also because it is quiet a busy area and many people walk through that way to get to their classes.
Time was also a problem because we only had around 35 minutes to film, their w ere things that we weren’t able to complete. I think if we had more time everyone, most importantly my group would have completed everything we need to.

Over all I think our group worked well together. This is because we split all the jobs equally so all our preplanning and actual filming went quiet smoothly even though we weren’t able to complete everything. For example, whenever Rachel was shooting a shot I was not present in I would start looking for our next location, and filling out our continuity sheet, and get the clapper board ready for our next shoot. This would be the same whenever Ezama was not involved in a shot.

Overall I think that our task was very successful because although it was done in a short time we planned what were where going to shoot, and how through the use of story boarding. I think it was also successful because of the new skills we had developed while filming our previous tasks, we learnt from our mistakes, so this task was easier.
I think that this was also the main objective of the lesson, to see what we had learnt and how we could apply it, and also to see what we were able to do when put on the spot, as we had no notice, so everything had to be done quickly. This helped us show how creative we could be under pressure.