Tuesday 6 October 2009

filmaking: how and why is it possible for almost nyone to become a filmaker today.

Filmmaking today:

The once respected and highly portrayed art of filmmaking has changed dramatically over the years. This is due to the amount of various amateur filmmakers being recognised and becoming the original writers of some of our most successful films today.

Thirty years ago amateur film makers would rarely move up in this industry it was almost impossible to make a successful film with the available facilities.
However nowadays, almost anyone can become a film making this is due to the affordability of things; anyone has access to quality cameras and other essential equipment at reasonable prices and the vast accessibility to them.
Although filmmaking will always be known as filmmaking, the difference between the process of big companies and armatures is quiet vast.
Big companies will mostly pay someone to come up with a story line, which usually comes from a book, play r simply another film, a script will then be written by writer and pitched to company directors and producers. If the idea is desired by producers agree to produce and fund money towards the film.
Storyboards and drafts of the film are then, created. The film may go through several screenings until its general release, however now that the film has been released whatever opinions or feedback the film will receive from its general public, is useless to the big film companies as the film has already been released and they can do nothing about it, which is one of the greatest difference between, that process and the process of a typical mature film maker.
As usual it would start with a basic concept/ story and then build upon that, they then write their scripts and storyboards, at this stage there is more freedom as an amateur filmmaker everything tends to be done by you kind of like a one man show, so whatever you say goes. You probably then recruit your cast, as independent film makers money is really something which needs to be kept in control so this can be done by asking friends to do it, or sometimes informing small acting agencies and asking if they have any actors interested in starring in your films, as many people are willing to, due to how far the film is capable of going.
When you have completed your film or parts of it most independent filmmakers post them on YouTube, or other sites I have researched like meatacafe .com an independent filmmaker site. This way they can gain comments which act as vital feedback from viewers without making their film go through expensive screenings. They can then go back and make any necessary changes to their films. They sometimes get recognised by big companies who fund money and reproduce and release on a larger scale.

Digital technology has proven to become a revolution in filmmaking saving time and money to filmmakers al over the world. It allows people to film whatever shots they wants in desired order and then replace them in the order they want through the editing process. The internet has also has many benefits, it has allowed many of the famous people to day to advertise themselves and their talents, and be recognised thanks to the sites it provides.