Wednesday 17 March 2010

drama film research

Drama films research:

Drama films have been so successful over the years; they were even some of the first movies ever made. I believe it’s due to their reality aspect as it deals with real life problems and consequences those peoples decisions will cause them later on in life. This is also because some of the most successful films are based on real life, to keep that reality streak going.
I have researched many films and looked at many trailers based upon the drama genre and have found that most drama films are not like typical romances were someone is out of research. This is because as mentioned before this genre is able to adapt many other genres in within in it however still keeping its title of a drama film. Also from simply watching some trailers, I have found out that they make you feel some sort of sincere emotion, and this is simply because people can relate which is something which I will keep in mind when we decide our final story to make it interesting but yet realistic.

Target audiences for these kinds of films I believe mostly depends on the main characters age, again it’s a question of how well the audience can interact because that’s what makes a good film.
For example seven pounds. I would say probably targets an audience of middle class working people, or mostly people around the ages of 16- 40. I would say this age because of the themes and contents of the film and I think having this age group would allow everyone to understand and gain some sort of something from it.
Another example would be the film milk. I would say the target audience would mostly be either homosexuals as well as heterosexuals around the ages of again 17 and over. Simply because the film milk explores the life of Harvey Milk, who was a gay activist and Politian fighting for the righst of gay men. And this audience would be personaly ideal because it would educate hetrosexual people and give them an insight on the lives of others. And it would be ideal for homosexuals because most films don’t realy ever present being gay as something which is ok, and this would be something which they could relate to without having to feel ashamed. Which I belive makes this a very good film.
But over all I think drams can appeal and be targeted to any audience just depending on the contents and story of the protagonist.

Drama films always tend to have some sort of classical if not slow soothing music, in comparisn to the music of a horrror or comedy film. We also tend to be welcomed to the film with the main protagonist or proagonits who are mostly chracters with no power over their surroundings. We are also greeted by their surrounding a lot of the time this is present in persuit of happines and memoires of a gaisha. I chose these two because they both contain the same contents, such as voiceovers. This is because drama films often make use attached to the character and feel some sor of symapthy towards theme. So the voice overs hep use get to know them even bofore the film starts.

Directors such as Gabriele Muccino are famouse for there interesting style of drama. Alrhough he was not always taken seriously films such as persuit of happiness and seven pounds have earned him a plcae on the map.
Gus Green Van Sant, Jr. Is also famous for his interpretation of Harvey Milks life and is responsisble for other success full films.
However on regareds to actors some actors are chosen to strat in drama films because they fit this certain type of genre, the most omon ones are
Will smith
Nicole kidman
Jenifer aniston
Cameron diaz who has also started animation films and many more.

Actors such as will smith are known for there good portrayle of characters in drama films. Others like jada pinkette, and jude law , who also stars in chick flicks and that