Wednesday 17 March 2010

thriller film research ( As opening sequence)

Thriller /horror film research:

For all of the films I have watched the horror themes and conventions are shown from the very first frame in the title sequence. They all start of with the use of music in the very beginning of the film and the mis en scene. They are always dark and sombre which automatically sets the mood of the film. I could already tell from the first 3 minutes, the genre, had an idea of what it could be about and sometime the main characters, however this was done very subtly, without giving away too much.
For example final destination 3, a thriller film, started of in a fun fair which is supposed to be a fun enjoyable place, but the director used iron by using a place of fun and comfort to cause so many deaths. The beginning had shots of rides and clowns and devil horns, and a scary thing was what I expected. Because I have watched the film before, this film did live up to my expectations; many of my predicted themes were presented in the film. For example a film would have two people present often, told me their would be themes of love, these two people also always parted quiet a lot which I believed represented, the fact that one of them would part in a horrible way , simply because it’s a horror or thriller film.

The characters are also very often to fit a certain typical role. In many of the horror films I have researched, a girl is seen, running as she is being chased, she is almost always wearing white to represent her innocence, and show clearly to the audience that she is a victim.

Music is used very effectively as it is always reflecting the type of film. In horror its mostly slow music, sometimes classical, this used of irony creates a great effect. As horror compared to thrillers are scarier and deeper. Thrillers; I have found are aimed mostly at teenagers so mostly fast or roc music sometimes, to represents the stereotypical fast lifestyle which teenagers are though to lead.
The tittles are always very sharp (the letters) the colours are mostly dark or bright colours that we associate with anger or fear, for example red. The way they come on screen I have also realised sets the mood. Weather they fade in or, scroll on screen, they way the come in affects our impressions of the film.

film: final destination 2