Wednesday 17 March 2010

Evaluation question number 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our horror/thriller also known as slasher flick was primarily aimed at teenagers from the ages of 14 to 19.on a technical level We chose this audience because our film contained many themes and conventions that were present in the films we researched and those films were aimed the same age group. These themes varied from, death, love deception, fear, enemies, broken friendships and many other similar themes which we tried to include in our opening sequence. This was also decided because my group and belong to this age group so we thought it would be much easier to relate and know what our audience would be wanting at every moment of the film. Our target audience could be described as fun young and outgoing that get a thrill out of horror films. As mentioned before many of he films we researched were thriller/horror films which contained very similar themes to our film. Films such as
Final destination which was a very big inspiration, due to its sales and popularity. Many of our ideas originated from this film as
It is also about a group of teenagers who die in
A series of events, triggered by past actions.

An example of this would be in the 3 film when two very self obsessed girls die in scorching hot locked tanning beds. Other films such as I know what you did last summer which is the story of a young girl who is followed around due to her past actions. In this film the attacker is prepared to kill anyone in his way in order to get to her. This film would be enjoyed by our target audience once again due to the themes but mostly due to the one of never ending, a very vicious cycle which seems to never end even in the last film. They would also be attracted by the surprise endings which act as the core reason why the audience come back for more. We tried to include a surprise ending in our film as well by making the so called vulnerable geek to be the reason for the tragedies in the film.
Other films which would attract our target audience would be films like prom night, saw, and mirrors because they all present similar themes to our film.
Although we did have a main primary target audience, we are also aware of the group of people which our film may attract. Our secondary target audience would be more mature people older people around the ages of 20 to 30. I personally thought of this from experience as many of my older family members very much enjoy watching horror films. Another audience that the film may attract may be very young which is something which is not very much intended. From my research and personal experience I have seen that film certificates are pretty much ignored and that more and more young children from 8years and above and playing and watching certificate 18 games as well as films.

Profile of target audience:

Age: around the ages of 14 to 19 mostly in education for our film to have a realistic impact on their everyday lives, as the film also is set in a school.
They are very likely to have a laid back lifestyle, as mentioned they are in education so probably live at home and not working and enjoy partying a kind of typical teenager I suppose.

Gender: there is no specific gender which our film is aimed at, it’s aimed to all mostly because of all the different characters involved in films boys and girls. There are also different ethnicities and backgrounds too.