Wednesday 17 March 2010

opening sequence full script

Sound of school bell.

A camera pan of 5 kids sitting at their desks looking extremely bored, showing their individual characters through various actions. Basketball player playing with his basketball, Goth listening to loud music, class clown lazing around bothering others and geek reading a book and gets a paper cut

Lightly shaking her hand due to paper cut sting

Camera carries on panning until BIANCA the schools most popular and self obsessed girl is in the frame. She looks frustrated and wriggles until she leaves her seat.
Various shots of her leaving classroom and going to the toilet. She gets to the toilet heads straight to the sink and runs her fingers through her hair. She then looks in the mirror and sees a black figure of a person dressed in black behind her. She looks back and sees none their. She slams all of the cubicle doors to reassure her that none is there she goes back to the mirror. Washes her face.

Inside the detention room.

Where is BIANCA she’s been in those toilets fro how long!

You know girls always in that silly mirror

Putting his ball down on the table
I think someone should go check on her

Am not going anywhere and my girl over there (indicating MARIA)
Is too busy reading that rubbish. Guess that leaves you big guy (pointing at the Goth-JASON)

Jason looks around to make sure their talking to him and waits a while before leaving his seat. He leaves tucking his chair in a very aggressive manner.

Outside classroom, in the corridors.

(Under his breath)
Stupid idiots who do they think they are, they can’t tell me what to do, imbeciles

Jason carries on walking kicking a ball of paper around

Inside the toilets

BIANCA is washing her face and looks up as she does so she begins to cough and beings to throw up blood whilst seeing figure in the mirror.

She begins to stager out of the bathroom trying to hold on to walls leaving blood marks behind her.

Inside the detention room

BOB is looking at Marcus in a weird way as if he has something to say

So when’s the big game


Be sure not to break a leg or something or bore yourself to death in this shithole

Inside the corridors

BIANCA is still trying to get to the class room having trouble breathing. We see figure behind her watching

Inside the detention room

BOB carries on disturbing others

What you reading their?

MARIA looks at him and quickly turns her attention back to her book

Ok then not talking are you that’s fine but when you -

BIANCA slams the door open and burst into the room looking in very bad shape whilst Maria screams

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!

Help me please! Its him he did it, I saw him –
He did this-

BIANCA collapses unto he ground the rest of them run to her limp lifeless body scared and filled with terror

Oh shit someone get help do something

What happened!?

How the hell should I know just do something!

BOB runs out of the classroom to find help and realises that no one is their. The corridors are dark and completely empty. MARIA and MARCUS shout out for help and also leave the room.

(In panic)
Where is everybody

Bob looks at them shaking his head in disbelief

There all gone there’s no one here.

Well don’t just stand their, you too tries open the doors.

Marcus rushes to the doors and desperately trying to open them with no success he shouts

Well come on then!

Maria and bob run to the doors and help him to try and open them

There are 3 other doors on this building we could try

Ok lets bob lets go try those ones. You stay with her

Marcus and bob run across to the other side of the building and try their hardest to get the doors open.

This is stupid let’s just break these windows

Marcus runs back to the corridor where he left his basket ball and back to the door where bob is standing. He begins to aim and throws the ball with all his strength at the window. A crack appears

Oh yes!

Marcuse beings to aim again however this time the shutters of the window begin to come down from the outside of the doors making it impossible to leave

Oh shit, if these carry on were never leaving, run to the other ones quick

Bob and Marcus run to their other possible escapes and see that the doors are not only locked but have the shutters down from the inside. Same for all the windows.

Dam! What is this how the hell are we leaving this place.(shaky voice) I cant die in this pace I swear down, there is something fucking fishy going on her I am telling you now I cant die in this stupid-

Shut up. I don’t care do what you want but shut up I don’t know about you but am getting out of this place.

Inside the classroom.

Maria is sitting beside BIANCA’S body looking traumatized with tears streaming down her face. The boys walk in


I will find a way

SO! WE ARE STUCK! We are not coming out and just like her we are going to die her in SCHOOL!

What about the other doors-

Well they are locked too! Shutters and all. But I guess you smarty pants did not think that through did you!

I though I told you to shut up

The boys begin to argue and take their frustrations out on each other

And so what! DO you think you can tell me what to do boss me around I don’t think so you shut the fuck up and-

MARIA (in her frustration also shouts)
Be quiet both of you! Look at you. We are stuck I a room with a body and you’re arguing over this crap.

Marcus walks over to Bianca. He picks up her hand and shakes his head releasing a deep sight and dropping her hand back down.

She’s dead

MARIA screams with her hands over her mouth and goes to her seat. Bob stops speaking and just looks at the other two’s reaction, and then putting his head down.

Marcus walks around the room. The room is completely silent until Marcus bangs a desk

Right I want all you too to search this room from head to toe for something to help us get out of here. I will try doing the same or else it looks like were stuck in here.

They all rummage the classroom for some sort of key or helpful object. However everything is empty. They carry on Maria finds a big book (a diary).
She looks around at the two still looking around the room

I found something
What? a book keep your reading to yourself we are trying to get out
MARCUS snatches the book and opens it reading the first page as he reads his faces changes and becomes all shambled.

What’s wrong! What is it?

What’s in the book!

It’s written


Everything which has happened Bianca, us its been written.

In disbelieve Maria and bob take the book and read on.

And he moves away from the book.

Am turning the page

Are you sure you want to do that

Marcus looks and nods at her
MARIA reads the book in her head leaving the other two in suspense. She looks at them

Were all going to die? She picks up the book again and reads the end they should do what they need to stay alive however I implore them to do the opposite

Fuck what does that even mean. Am not fuking dying here? What does that mean? Tell me! He shouts at Maria

I don’t know.

But you know everything else don’t you!

The book talks about our deaths, however they all occur outside this room.


So to try stay alive we have to remain in this room.
Well that wont be too hard were all here

They all look at each other and shout Jason’s name together

In another classroom upstairs

Jason is laying on the floor the camera moves up from his legs upwards, we think he is dead but he is sleeping with headphones on. He wakes up and looks around to see where he is he then gets up and opens the door, as he does this he sees the figure again.

Inside the detention room

I knew it I bet you this is all him. You saw his face I asked him to check on Bianca you saw I know you lot saw it him I can feel it, who knows where the fucker is now

Inside other class room upstairs

Jason is laying on the ground again the camera shows his legs upwards however this time he his slightly shaking laying in a pool of his own blood.
With his headphones on.

Inside the detention room.

Hours have gone by and Maria is sleeping bob is singing a song repeatedly and Marcus in sitting in front of the door quietly rocking himself trying to keep his eyes of Bianca’s body. He gets a flash back of him opening his locket and a note falling out reading ‘please report to room 362 for detention today at 3 o’clock’
Camera zooms into him reading and fades back to him detention room. As he rocks himself he looks outside the classroom door and begins to make a shiny metal like objects. Looks like a key. He looks around the room and sees Maria sleeping and bob still singing facing a wall starting to dose of. He slowly stands up and opens the door still looking behind him. Marcus is now outside. The sound of the door closing causes bob to turn around and see.


Bob runs and locks the door
Marcus runs back and begs him to open the door
A shadow runs behind him which they cannot see
Marcus open the door
So that’s your plan then we stay here together in the room together not outside together hmm
Bob open this door now
Bob open this fucking door n-
Marcus is hit on the head with a hammer his blood splatters on the door. Bob lets go of the handle and begins to shake and terror