Wednesday 17 March 2010

opening sequence, script

Sound of school bell. Black screen

Fades into the whiteboard where it says silence, to show that it is a detention room

Dark atmosphere

Camera pans across classroom showing 5 students at their desks looking extremely bored. Showing their individual character through various actions eg: basketball player in his uniform playing with a ball. Geek reading, whilst the geek flips the page of the book she gets a paper cut, but she doesn’t but she doesn’t make a big deal out of it and she carries on reading. Goth listening to loud music with his eyes closed, class clown lying back trying to distract others. A camera pan, until BIANCA is in the frame and she is fidgeting and tapping her pen. She wriggles and then you can see her face,


I’m going toilet

she then leaves her seat looking frustrated

subtle music

Long shot of her walking out the door. She looks at herself in the door window to see her reflection. Camera bounces back to her and shot turns to a point of view shot, of her walking down the corridors to the toilets then a title comes up and it turns to a birds eye view shot.

She opens the toilet door (close up of her hand) and walks towards the sink. She runs her fingers through her hair, while doing so she looks in the mirror and sees a figure of a person in black behind her in the mirror. She turns her head around seeing no one there. Then there is a close up of her face looking scared. The music goes very squeaky (horror music)
suddenly goes to a black screen and then the titles come up.